TicketKick.com is under new ownership.
TicketKick.com is under new ownership.
I heard about this change while I was trying to process my refund. My ticket did not get dismissed. That’s ok we tried, you can’t win every time. Because the new owners only purchased the website not the company that was TicketKick, they did not take on the contracts or liabilities of the original TicketKick. This means if you used the services of TicketKick to fight your traffic violation before Oct 2012 (which I did) you would be out of luck on trying to redeem the 100% money back guarantee. Surprisingly that is not the case! The new owners are willing to work with you on receiving a “refund” out of good faith. They legally do not need to refund any money to the customers of the previous TicketKick. The new owners are footing the bill for the contracts left unsettled by the previous owner.
I believe Steve Miller is the new owner. He is a great guy. He personally contacted me and helped me get a “refund”. This “refund” is being paid out by the new company operating TicketKick.com. From what I have read online, the new owner seems much more knowledgeable of the industry and actually started it. He even wrote a book on the subject!
I have not used the services of the new business that operates TicketKick.com yet (and hopefully won’t need to), but I would definitely recommend them solely based on the way they handled this messy situation. Good Luck fighting your next ticket!