I found SPS because they posted ads both on craigslist and the pennysaver for 1 bedroom 1 bathroom houses. When I called the phone number Christian answered the phone and said he wouldn't give me any information about the property until I came into his office and gave him a REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT. Like a sucker, I dragged myself to his office which is a rented out bungalow type of building with a bunch of desks all around. The staff there is primarily Hispanic and none of them appear professional in any way at all. As I sat there at his desk he verbally told me that the refund was 100% refundable. It wasn't till after I signed the contract did I understand that you have to keep contacting them every week once a week and making appointments. I kept making appointments, and EMILY kept making excuses saying that the owner of that property is out of town, and whatever. I ended up finding a place on my own. I sent them a copy of my contract along with proof of my new lease as well as a letter that they requested. I got nothing. PLEASE DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME WITH THESE UNPROFESSIONAL GHETTO SCAMMERS TRYING TO COME UP. UNFORTUNATELY THEY CAN'T FIND ANY DECENT JOBS TO SUPPORT THEMSELVES SO THEY HAVE TO WORK FOR THIS COMPANY.