Find Someone Else!
This guy is a thief, over charges for simple jobs. He ripped me off for $1,000's with a BATHroom remodel. This guy put a "large percentage" of my bathroom budget into "his pocket" instead of my BATHroom. So, I fired him and hired another contractor to finish the job, because he "forgot" the "Must Have" details I initially hired him for! He was "problematic" to work with, "rude" and "will" forget the "extras" he said he "would do for free" (when bidding the job), if he gets mad. I am not a rich person and I am "still very angry" that it cost me waaaaay too much to do this BATHroom. Good and "honest" plumbers/contractors are really hard to find. He's "NOT" Good or Honest and was always LATE!