Dani Z.'s review of Professional F & I Managers Association of America, Inc.

Professional F & I Managers Association of America, Inc.

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Review Posted 6/13/2008
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Review 6/13/2008
I was a College of Automotive Management (formerly known as) student back in April of 2004. Rather than a long drawn out tale of my personal background, all I'll say is that the information and knowledge that I learned from CAM has helped me to help my career accelerate. I moved to the East Coast right after graduation, so I did not take CAM up on thier placement services, immediately.
What CAM gave me, in addition to the tools needed to learn the automotive business, was a larger network of people to contact within the industry.
When I moved back from the East Coast, I interviewed at several dealerships - including one that CAM sent me to. But the job that I ended up accepting was the one that was an indirect referral.
Karen, who was the placement director at the time, sent my contact info to a former student who was not by any stretch a hiring manager. I was hesitant to meet him because I was concerned about the distance of the dealership, but agreed that I'd stop in JUST to meet him if I was ever in the area. So, one day, I let him know that I would be in the dealership's direction, and his supervisor called me and asked that while I'm in town, I bring a little paperwork about myself and my job history. I did it more for the practice experience of interviewing more than the idea of getting a job. But the supervisor and I connected REALLY well. He ended up parading me in front of HIS supervisors! And by the time I left that day, it was with a job offer. I felt so good about the experience that I took the job in spite of the distance, outlasted CAM's contact in the store and have been employed with the company for almost 3 years - hopefully with a much longer future ahead!

Thank You, CAM
Love, Dani Z
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