Review 5/13/2011
For the record, I have no personal, professional or proprietary investment in Infor-Med other than the professional use of the Praxis EMR developed by the company.
I have been paper chart free and using Praxis 4.0 for fulltime clinic operation and patient care since Independence Day, 2010. The program does not lock up or crash on me. It is faster than I am. Documentation is complete at point of service and I have no incomplete charts hanging over my head. I am successfully interfaced with Lytec PMS bidirectionally for patient demographics and billing. My in-house Coulter transmits complete blood count results directly into my Praxis EMR pt chart. My PC-based ECG and 24 Hour Holter Monitor results also post directly into the pt's Praxis chart. Quest Diagnostic outside laboratory results download from the internet directly into my review box and the pt Praxis EMR chart. Callbacks from my pts are handled rapidly and seamlessly through the Praxis EMR agent function and documented directly into the pt's chart. I currently escribe through Praxis 5.0 functionality and have successfully met the Medicare EHR Incentive Program e-Prescribing requirements mandated by July 2011. I do indeed pay yearly support fees. I have been paying ongoing support fees to Infor-Med the last several years even though I purchased my user license 14 years ago and received a free updates and support for life guarantee. However, it is so obvious to me that what the government, third party payers, patients and I require and expect today from my EMR is so much more demanding of the program than what I first purchased that the support fees are fully justified. I pay without complaint. My return on investment has been very satisfactory.
Any practicing physicians wishing to verify my review may contact me directly through their Infor-Med vendor and I will be happy to speak with you. As a physician in solo private practice I prefer not to respond to other inquiries.