Josee C.'s review of Pool Builders, Inc.

Pool Builders, Inc.

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Review Posted 5/19/2009
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Review 5/19/2009
There is no doubt they do FABULOUS work. We LOVE our pool! But their business practices leave a lot to be desired... This story may seem a bit long but if you are considering using them to build your pool, you REALLY need to read this all the way through... We have a family with 5 children and saved up for YEARS in order to be able to get this pool. We told Robert, the sales person (we think he's the owner, to be honest), that we were on an EXTREMELY tight budget. He drew up an amazing layout with deck and landscaping, and quoted us exactly what we were able to afford ($23,000). We were sold! They submitted the plans and we were told we would need to fence the pool in... They found us a contractor and we were faced with the reality that it would cost an additional $3500. They broke ground in early March and right away, ran into a problem: limestone. We were told we had 2 options: continue trying to dig through (at the rate of $125 per hour or something) or raise the level of the ground. We asked how much that would be and were told it depends on how many loads of dirt that need to be brought in and how many hours it would take to lay all the dirt out. We never really told them a decision and when we got home from work the following day, we discovered that they had already started bringing dirt in! For the following 4-5 days, we were asking "How much?" and were never given an answer - not from the project manager, not from our salesperson, not from the office, nobody could tell us how much. Then suddenly, we get an invoice in the mail for $3600 with "Please Remit" on it!!! We were floored. No one had had the decency to call us back after daily phone calls and let us know. We were completely disillusioned with the company at that time. What's worse, they required payment right away or everything would be held up. We had to completely deplete the "car savings account" we were keeping for our older boys otherwise, we would have just been stuck with a big hole in the backyard. Then came the electric. My husband suggested they run a line from the sprinkler pump we have that was not being used but we were told that no, they needed to run a line from inside our laundry room where the electrical box is to the other side of the house where the pump is. Again, we are not told anything else and the following day get another bill in the mail for $400 to run the line - something that probably took no more than one hour. Lastly, they start putting the fence up. Whoever came out to measure didn't bother putting lines out... They start putting the fence up and we noticed the south wall is going on an angle -- the fence ends up being 5 feet off!!! They are putting in a trapezoid instead of a rectangle! Of course, we complain and we are told that our measurements were off when in reality, they were not doing 90 degree angles!! We had already given a 50% deposit and told them that if they could not do it right, to just leave the materials and we would do it ourselves. We just could not see living with an odd-shaped fence... Finally, they relented and measured everything out correctly. We handed a check to our salesperson with the promise that he would not release it until the fence was up and we were completely satisfied... The check was cashed the day before they finished!!! No doubt, the pool and deck are absolutely beautiful! They do GREAT work. But if you are going to use them, be prepared for a lot of "surprises"...
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