Review 3/30/2011
Also, a victim of Paycare! Paycare took the money for our payroll and taxes and never turned it into the IRS and EDD. So I get a letter in the mail stating we have not paid anything for the one month we were with them. Called the police station no luck there, since our office is in Costa Mesa, and Paycare is Riverside they keep sending me to the other police station. Also, reported it to the IRS. I recommend if you have been a victim of Paycare to make copies of the reviews and call BBB to make a formal complaint so they no longer have an A rating. Also, thought this was interesting, I went by there office since I am not that far from it. Turns out there was a note on the door saying they abandoned the building with out taking care of the financial responsibilities (Shocker HA). Also, another fact the owner Scott Willsea is on EDD's website for National Small Business week, Success stories... I think not! Keep posting and Sharing stories... I hope they wont be able to get away with this!!