rosalinda l.'s review of Palacios Photo Studio

Palacios Photo Studio

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 7/13/2010
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Review 7/13/2010
Its very sad to know how people hire a photographer for their wedding pay for full services and not get what they paid for hector Lopez from palace photo studio located @ 2564 zoo Ave hp ca 90255 was hired for my wedding to take pictures and video we had a contract which was a free pre video and a 2hr max of wedding the total on the video was 1hr and 43 Min's that includes the free video together in the actual video about 1hr in church and 15 min in the reception he attendant church together with his young daughter then dropped his daughter off at my home together with his wife to finish the reception it was awful after the church is the toast? How is that possible I don't know he had his apx13-16 max daughter take the video and photos the reception all black the video jumps all threw the video and the worst part is that everything is all black you cannot see the people he states it is my fault because I decided to make it in my home were their is no light ever had I had that problem a professional photographer has all the equipment but since his daughter who had no clue was the one who recorded messed up the only memories I had and he gave me the 2 cd with no pictures on the cd or DVDs I can say like he was suppose to put on them he claims that his impresor did not work? That is not my fault I paid him before the wedding and we signed a contract I say he gives me what I paid for now I am taking him to small claims court is in July 29,2010
Business's response - on 2/28/2011
En respuesta al comentario de rosalinda lozano dejenme aclarar q nuestro servicio es casa,iglesia, parque y recepcion.y prevideo gratis, y no lo pusimos todo porq la senora hizo cosas ridiculas, lo unico malo q tenia el video fue la parte de la recepcion,nosotros nos disculpamos y quisimos llegar a un acuerdo verbal. lastimosamente es una persona negativa y problematica ,esto termino en corte el juez dictamino que le pagaramos( ella recibio el pago por este error)solo lo q correspondia al video aunque ella exigia el reembolso total de lo q pago por el paquete desde alli notamos q queria el trabajo gratis ojala q lo q le devolvimos ella se lo haya reembolsado al padrino q le pago el video, es lo justo. ella prefirio quedarse sin memoria del video ya q al agarrar el dinero perdia el derecho de conservar aunque sea una buena parte de este las personas q tenemos a CRISTO en nuestras vidas no hacemos cosas q perjudiquen a los demos , un error cualquiera lo comete,y ya le pagamos ,puede que su comentario nos afecte pero DIOS es generoso y trabajo no nos falta. no se puede creer en DIOS y en el diablo a la vez por eso vamos a la iglesia y no a q nos preparen huevos para despues ir a aventarselo al se puede amar a DIOS Y DESTRUIR A LOS DEMAS A MI ME DARIA VERGUENZA ACTUAR DE ESA MANERA. NUESTRO NEGOCIO TIENE CASI 21 ANOS SIRVIENDO AL PUBLICO Y SI NOS BUSCA EN BBB VERA Q ELLOS NOS DAN UNA CALIFICACION DE A+ ESTE COMENTARIO ES PARA LAS PERSONAS Q CREEN EN LO JUSTO Y VERDADERO ( ESTA PERSONA HA SIDO DEMANDADA EN LA CORTE DE HUNTINGTON PARK, TIENE UNA CITA EN CORTE EL DIA 4 06 DEL 11 POR DIFAMACION A NUESTRA INTEGRIDAD Y POR AGRESION VERBAL A UNA MENOR DE EDAD.
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Hours   Phone   (323) 587-3191 Address   2564 Zoe Avenue
Huntington Park, CA 90255
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Contact   Hector Lopez Other  
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