Review 5/11/2009
Nursery Works is utterly incompetent.
It has been 2and a half MONTHS since I placed my order for a Storytime Rocking Chair and I have still NOT RECEIVED it. There have been 3 missed delivery dates--2 items broke in transit. It should also be mentioned that we had to modify our order b/c the chair that broke was the last of it's kind.
Highly suspect.
Never a phone calls as a heads up that the delivery's weren't happening, in fact, quite the opposite, the have avoided my scheduled phone calls to the owners:
Traci Fleming and Kaye Popofsky Kramer
I am considering hiring an attorney b/c at this point they have had my money for 2 and a half months I I really don't think they are planning on delivering my chair.
There are a number of negative reviews online if you search "Nurseryworks reviews."