Review 6/9/2010
People! What you've heard about MLMs IS true! I thought TN was different, so I bought a lifetime membership spending $2,270 total, and have been a member for 18 months. I did not like their sales tactics, but I joined for the product savings they promised from just everyday purchases. I was not going to "hound" friends & family to join, as I know many who have lost their friends and money because of the sales tactic in other MLMs. I have mentioned it to them, but so far, no other "suckers" like us. So far, less postage, I have estimated I've saved $35 dollars on things i use everyday. I could have saved just as much pricing print ads! I looked into car & home insurance, but I was already under a great policy I found myself. I could have saved a whopping $50/year with TN. I priced a new car myself, not using sticker price or MSRP, but competitive pricing models and ingenuity. I worked a deal only $150 more than through TN. If you do not like to shop, have a new house you need to furnish and a couple cars to buy and want to do it ALL though TN, you might re-coop your lifetime membership. Do not fall for their deceptive sales techniques! Other positive testimonials you hear from TN members??? THAT is what they do! It is pure deceptive marketing for their cause!