Review 5/29/2009
I have been working with Inphonex.com, LLC for over a year now with outstanding results. I am a reseller and a customer using their extremely flexible VoIP platform. We have had personal contact with their management staff, regarding a franchise we are developing with the assistance of Inphonex. My experience with Inphonex all around is an A+!
If you are looking for an excellent, and accountable VoIP provider, or Reseller opportunity; I highly recommend Inphonex.com and their reseller website: varphonex.com
Inphonex.com provides personal care on a customer to customer basis, and is very willing to work with its resellers to create customized solutions that suit their needs. A well manage and experienced team with Enterprise / Carrier Class Services, and a real care for its clients. Rarely found in a telecommunications provider.