Review 6/19/2010
I had the same issue that everyone else is complaining about. I wish I had come on this website first to review this company. They are scammers and it is wrong to take people through what they took me and many others through. It was 139.95 that was just taken from my account like a thief in the night. I was treated badly when I called to dispute it. The BBB stepped in and worked with me and the company did return my money to my account in a timely manner. I was so ecstatic I thought my money was just gone! I didn't have much to start with and I was devastated when it was taken, but glad to see it returned. I stayed on it and I advise others to do the same. It's too hard these days to just give that kind of money away or to have it wrongly taken from anyone's account. Especially when you think you are making an investment for a better future. This should not be allowed. Thanks,