Garko S's review of How 2 Save Fuel

How 2 Save Fuel

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Review Posted 11/12/2008
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Review 11/12/2008
Alex Rivera and are professional in all aspects. remember how the internet used to be frontier land like the wild west in the early days... and still is? well the industry that sprang up around an instructional ebook on hydrogen on demand fuel system conversions has been a lot like that in the last year or so. the ebook was a do it yourself guide. but not everyone can do it themselves or is inclined to do so. So a whole industry sprang up over night with different vendors all claiming to be the best at assembling the hydrogen conversion kits and installing them. some of these vendors were pretty corny. most of them really didn't have a full conceptual understanding of the technology in their own field. I have seen a lot of these vendors and the results. Out of all of them there is one that is truly professional in all aspects. And that is Alex Rivera and Rather than just string some rope and sticky tape together and put a really hokey looking system into your car engine as the other vendors do, Alex installs a system that is more integrated into your engine which results in better performance and mileage. Rather than use plastic lids on the electrolyzers, Alex uses a specially designed metal lid which does not leak. There is peace of mind in having an installation from Alex mounted onto a side wall under your hood as opposed to having a rigged up system bouncing around in your engine as you get with other vendors. The only complaint that I have is that I wish he had financing when I got my installation done. But Alex does have financing available now. Considering that you qualify for a refund from the IRS under their "green car" rebate, that you will get better gas mileage... possibly up to 50% or more, and that the financing makes it even more affordable.. it is a tremendously strong offer that Alex provides from Personally my vehicle.... a 1989 Toyota Corolla... has much more giddy-up, has doubled its gas mileage and runs really smooth especially by comparison.
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