If you'd like to read my experience shared? You can Decide for yourself what kind of Experience you want
First I have to Admit, I am almost never the one to ever want to spend my time leaving reviews or comments online for almost any establishment that provides a service.
So I apologize if this one review isn’t maybe done like most others around.
I personally don’t ever want to be like most others either.
I just want to be as Truthful and Honest as I can with all others.
Whenever I can, wherever I am, and especially with myself.
If I did choose to spend my precious time in the past to leave a “review” online?
It was usually out of anger and funnel my anger in a way that I learned was never good or healthy for anyone, especially when it was never fully justified to treat others that way, I would never wanted to be treated myself.
I feel so much happier when I am able show my gratitude through the real human experience and give the credit where it is due. Directly to that person or people so that they know it’s genuine and comes from the heart.
And with my experience with Higher Level Processing being exceptional to me?
I feel they are a Worthy Exception in my eyes, and it’s now my Duty to take some time to allow others to have the opportunity if they choose to read a little bit about my experiences and then they can decide for themselves what kind of experience they want to have for themselves …
I could have gone to college for free. I was a much sought after soon to be collegiate athlete recruited to play at all levels. I realized those coaches and universities wanted me for me as an athlete, not as a student first. And some of those schools did not even have the major I wanted. They didn’t care, they encouraged me to switch majors.
So I decided to put my life after college first and go to a school where there were only two schools that offered what I wanted at the time to do. Picking the better of those two schools in my eyes, I took on a double major, was a part of one the best offenses in the country amongst all levels, went to the NCAA Final Four and graduated with a double degree and over a 3.0 GPA.
College was not just to teach me to read from a book or a person, but to be able to allow myself to be awakened to the real world most could not see, "yet".
I realized the Federal Student Loans that we were given in good faith, they are “attempting” to use to keep someone like me under their control and drain the life out of me not inject life into me.
Just like the Federal Student Loans that are given to the families who deservingly need it for their loved ones, and the young minds of the future to help create a better future for them and all.
The "Loan Givers", they don’t care about us just like those coaches didn’t care about me when they wanted me to sacrifice my future life after college, just to help make them look better for just 4 years of my life.
So with always in my heart wanting to do what’s right, and what seemed meant to be with my Student Federal Loans situation...
When I found Higher Level Processing and they found me, at what seemed to be just at the right time, as it was meant to be…
I have a feeling most if not all, are great people of service at HLP.
I was lucky to speak to Mindy Bruan at Higher Level Processing.
She became my guide.
She spoke “Truth” to me and not lies.
She only had my best interests at heart and did not just try to deflect or hide behind a disguise.
She was warm, friendly, honest, caring, and being funny was even a nice surprise.
But “the other ones” who provided the loans especially in this world crisis of despair, which we have shown already, they are the ones who really don’t care.
Mindy Braun at HLP was able to help bring my payments down from literally Hundreds of Dollars the collectors wanted from me each month, to Less than $20 each month.
And just as quick as Mindy and the Team at Higher Level Processing helped put me in a better position for me?
Just as quickly the Federal Loan program contacted me and “attempted” to do it again, only more damage to me, after HLP put me in a better position they still wanted to make me question it, and put me back in the worst position for me.
Please do not fall for this lie also and the tricks of the people who provided you those loans enslaving others knowingly on purpose …
Listening to those who only had my best interests at heart like Mindy and those at HLP…
Now I don’t have to worry about the mail to pay those vampires anymore, I don’t have to worry about missing a payment, I don’t have to decide between my rent and student loans or essentials which is more important to take care of.
Because Higher Level Processing and specifically Mindy Braun took care of me?
I truly wish for all of you who need it, just like me to see …
To have as grateful experience as I had …
and maybe even agree.