Hardship Center, Costa Mesa, CA - COMPLETE RIPPOFF..
Got scammed by this company. They prey on us people that need help to modify a mortgage. They tell you all the right things and then when you ask for your money back because they couldn't really do anything you never hear back..my guy was Daniel Keller and the hardship center...may he dies a slow death from cancer. From September to Thanksgiving there liars had my $2,895 and then when I asked for the money back their website vanished, never get a call back and when you call the main number someone can only give you the voicsmail of the person you are trying to contact.
This site TrustLink is lame because they seem to not allow you to rate at NO STARS.
They could have been honest and given me my money back but I will get them. I have contacted my state Attorney General and the AG in California...I sent a certified letter and someone signed for it so I now have proof the company still is in existence so the complaint to the FTC will go forward. And because they say they are lawyers I am trying to get any attorney that works for them disbarred in California.