Review 5/29/2010
Great school, great price. I wasn't living in the U.S. when I enrolled in Forest Trail Academy. In my country, the education is sometimes depressing. I was hoping to receive a flexible schedule and success for my highschool year. Thanks to FTA, they come true today. The curriculum in Forest Trail Academy is self-paced, so you can study anytime you want. I graduated pretty early because I studied really hard. The courses were challenging and educational. The flexible schedule gave me plenty of time when it comes to college application, and I'm off to a top engineering university this year. In addition, the reasonable price means a great deal to people who can't afford expensive private high school. I went to an expensive school before FTA, and I can say that FTA is better. If you are willing to take responsibility for yourself, there is plenty of knowledge waiting to be discovered in and out of the classroom.