Review 3/20/2010
EVERYONE BEWARE OF THIS EZ LUBE AND ANY OTHER EZ LUBE!!!!. First off, on February 26, 2010 I drove my car to the EZ lube located in la brea and 2nd st in los angeles. Again i DROVE my 2004 Nissan Altima there for an oil change. When i got there they were offering me all these different things for the car but i told them that i just wanted an oil change. OK, they did the oil change. Then the worker that was working on my car recommended and air and cabin filter. Since i saw how dirty my air filter was i told him to go ahead and change it. So he charged me for it and told me that it would be another 5 minutes. I went into the lobby and waited. Through a monitor that they have in the lobby i was seeing how he was struggling to put the air filter cap on. I also saw that he was struggling to turn my car on, but no one came and told me that there was something wrong with my car. Finally the manager came in and told me that my car had a piece that was on backwards. So he told me that he was going to get it out and put it the right way and so he went ahead and did that. I went back to the lobby and again i was seeing how he was struggling to turn my car on but again nobody came in and told me that there was something wrong with my car. Instead, the cashier came in and told me that my car was ready and charged me 86.71 for the services. After they charged me the manager came in and told me that my car wasn't working!!!!!!!!!What kind of service is that????they mess up my car and they charge me before telling me!!!! After he spent like an 1 and 1/2 "fixing" my car. He was unplugging, moving and jamming screwdrivers into my car. When my car finally turned on it wouldn't accelerate!!!! So i guess he gave up on my car and told me that he needed to move my car to work on other peoples car and also added "so do you guys want to call a tow truck" WHAT!!!!???? They work with cars on a daily basis and they can't provide you with a tow truck!!!! Then, instead of pushing my car back he decided to take it around the block knowing that my car wouldn't accelerate!!!! Finally, after 15 min or so he got to the exterior parking lot of EZ Lube where my car shut off completely and wouldn't turn on! He proceeded on moving, unplugging and yamming screwdrivers into my car. He also went into the driver seat and started moving the wires or fuses under the gas and break peddle. What pissed me off was when he got up and said, "If your car were to be an older model i'll be able to fix it, but since its a newer model I cant"!!!!!! Then why the hell are you touching my car!!!!!COME ON!!!!After you unplug, move and stick screwdrivers into my car you tell me that!!!!! After that I took my car to the nissan dealership where they told me that when they changed the air filter they either disconnected, touched or moved the wire which created a short circuit to all the wires thus burning the IPDM. Bill came out to be almost 5,000 and they wont even respond for it!!!! NOW I TELL YOU ALL PLEASE DON'T GO TO ANY EZ LUBE!!!!! I had to deal with school, finals and this all at once and i'm still dealing with it!!!!!! If they're going to hire just anyone why not hire someone that at least knows a little something about cars!!!!