Review 1/4/2011
I think Demand Studios, Demand Media and eHow to be a work from home scam as previously stated by another reviewer.
I researched and wrote a 500 word article (early draft was actually 1,000 words) and it took me 7 hours. I thought I was being paid $15.00 per hour until the assignment was approved. I have only been freelancing for a short while and the only other reference point I had was where I was paid $200 per 500 words article. Frankly the notion of working for $15.00 per hour was hard for me to accept but $15.00 per 500 word article stretches the boundaries of legality.
The scam should not be allowed to continue. The U.S. Department of Labor and Employment is probably a good place to start but I have read about other less than reputable business practices of the company. This company is planning to do an IPO soon. I understand their profit margins are very good. Evidently it is very profitable to scam the public.