Review 4/4/2008
Dash Auto Movers engages in borderline criminal activity! Upon my initial call to Dash, I was extremely impressed with the presented level of customer service that I received. Days later, and after paying for services in full, I realized why the representative was so nice to me (i.e., I checked their rating on the BBB website)--it was nothing more than a front, a fabrication, a ploy to lure me into the trap that (now 3 months later) I'm still trying to escape. They took my money, didn't deliver as they promised, and are giving me the run around about refunding my money.
I can say that I've learned a valuable lesson after dealing with Dash Auto Movers. I will definitely a check company's business profile through an unbiased resource before engaging in any sort of transaction in the future. By the way, I honestly believe that the review posted below was created by Steven Knapp who is the sales customer service supervisor for Dash!