Make sure this program is DMV APPROVED
I completed this 3 month program that was required by the courts but for some reason this program is not one of the programs that DMV accepts.If it is,I have yet to have a verification or proof Submitted to DMV Electronically.For some reason they do not know how to do this.So this program has gotten $570 of my money and my situation has not changed.I have done all of this for nothing.It is literally impossible to speak with someone in person. I also have not gotten an answer on if this program is certified through the Department of Health services.This is one of the major requirements that DMV Requires as well. I have submitted and provided all my court information to them and still,nothing anbout this might not be the right program for me.I had even asked prior to taking this program if it was a DUI course certified and I was told It was. And after Completion I was emailed the proof but DMV does not personally take proof of completion from the individual,it has to be electronically submitted. It's now going on 5 months of Back-and-forth asking this program to submit the proof or reimburse me my money an nothing has been done.I now have to take Another 3 month programs That's court compliant as well as DMV compliant.I wish this was specified or on my paperwork for someone told me this In advance, but nevertheless I'm now out of close to $600bucks..Ridiculousness..This is a complete misleading DUI program an they will Take Your Money,hands down.If you want to be frustrated, waste your time and throw away money this is the program to take.Pure Hell.