Review 8/2/2011
Last May 2010 I purchased the Pool Devil Pro from CABB Distributors. I did not receive my Pool Devil until July 2010, which was after several phone calls & emails. Finally after threatening a complaint to BBB I received my Purchase, approx 2 additional weeks later.
I paid $42 + dollars for the product because they offered (still are) a lifetime warranty. My pool devil broke in June 2011. I called, got the voice mail on several occassions. Emailed on several occassions,without a response. I made an additional call & actually spoke with Al Hopton himself, who said to let him know what part I needed & he would ship it. I told him what was broke, & offered to send a pic, he said that would be great. I sent the pic & haven't heard from nor have I been able to get anyone on the phone since, even after threatening to contact the BBB. I did a search on the company and it has a rating of "F"....what's that tell you? I don't know if they're the only company that sells this product, if so Pool Devil needs to rethink their distributors, and this business needs to be shut down! ASAP! They're a rip off and do not stand behind their life-time warranty.