Dave Davis' review of Battlefield Sports

Battlefield Sports

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 4/30/2008
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Review 4/30/2008
This company isn't horrible, but they're not the best for a variety of reasons. They don't provide much in the way of tangible business support, relying instead on their existing customers to do this for them. Their products, both inflatables and gaming guns, are passable, but fall far short of the capabilities and reliability of their competitors' equipment while costing significantly more. Being an Australian-based company, they provide very little guidance applicable to the US market, forcing their customers to struggle in their startup and causing many to go out of business. I recommend thoroughly researching all possible manufacturers before choosing one to avoid settling for this company and regretting it shortly after.

If you do choose this company, please bear in mind that regardless of what they may assure you verbally, they are very unlikely to buy your equipment back from you at a reasonable price. In my case, I paid 100% of my order price up front (though only required to pay a 50% deposit); when I found better equipment and informed them that I wished to cancel my order and obtain a reasonable refund, they claimed they didn't have the demand to resell my order (despite their frequent boasts of having more orders than they could handle) and offered me a 36% refund on brand-new equipment, which was still in their possession. They had no plausible explanation for why they arrived at such a low amount for a refund. When I informed them I couldn't accept such an insultingly low offer, I attempted to arrange for the resale of the equipment myself to recoup a larger part of my investment. They discovered this and began making numerous legal threats (despite my having permission from the company founder) and threatened on several occasions to refuse to deliver my order and/or 'bury' me in legal fees. Fortunately, I was able to resell the order for close to 50% of what I paid for it, but not before I wasted almost 6 weeks trying to get the company to offer a reasonable refund.

Unfortunately for me, I didn't discover what this company was capable of until it was too late. If you decide to buy from them (although I can't imagine why you would given the better alternatives), I would recommend making sure you never have to ask for anything from them but equipment. Take your time and don't give in to their high-pressure sales tactics; do your homework and make an informed decision, or you'll probably regret it like I did.
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