With a grateful heart.. THANK YOU
From the moment that I decided to have Amerihope's team as my advocate to help me regarding my loan modification I was treated with the most respect and the best professional manner ever given.. With I all my heart I give a special thanks to Scott, Rosie, Angie and most of all Carlos Gonzalez, you all guided me skillfully through the process with my mortgage and helped to obtain a loan modification and saved my home for me, for this I will always be grateful..
Amerihope Alliance if I may say, Carlos Gonzalez truly went out of his way to answer any and all my concerns... setting my mind at ease.. Carlos took the time to listen to my battle with Nationstar.. My nightmare started on Jan 29, 2014 after my domestic partner of 34 died 26 days after being diagnosed with cancer... for three years I fought to save my home, but, with no light at the end of this nightmare until Carlos Gonzalez and your Law firm's team of experts stepped in and saved the day..
I am the most grateful soul on Earth.. THANK YOU
FranciscoJesus Santisteban