Wonderful product, Wonderful customer service
I learned to speed read many, many years ago, and it has been an INVALUABLE skill. Wanting my children to have the same advantage that I do, I began searching for a product that would teach them this skill. Ace Reader fits the bill perfectly. We have used the product since 2011 and have been very pleased. Even my child who is challenged with strabismus (eye issues) has had success with this program! We love the ability to download a pdf to read with the program! Make sure you get the ipad version IN ADDITION to the Ace Reader for PC or Mac. This allows you to practice when away from home on your mobile. Don't get the I Pad version without the PC version; they are not the same, but make sure you get them both! Also, this product comes with FANTASTIC customer service. I don't write many reviews. As a homeschool mom, I really don't have extra time, but the service offered by this company was so surprising, I had to make a review. When my computer malfunctioned, Bernie helped me get my Ace Reader program back up and running quickly. He answered all of my questions and spent a lot of time on the phone with me. Great customer service with a great product is so rare these days; I decided that kudos were necessary. THANK YOU ACE READER!