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Posted ByQuestionCategoryReplies 
phyllis m.
192736 xyz
Has anyone ever dealt with The Center for Legal Justice?
Don't know which firm this is but got a call from the Center For Legal Justice, regarding a violation with a consumer credit co. I am using to pay... Read More »
Business2 Spam?
Joyce B.
164336 xyz
timeshare sale
I would like to know the best way to get rid of a timeshare.
Business2 Spam?
Ros C.
161730 xyz
timeshare companies promising to get rid of timeshares
Timeshares and their promise to get rid of your timeshare: has anybody ever used one of those companies, paid their fee and is actually free of... Read More »
Scams2 Spam?
Ken R.
161300 xyz
Timeshare Resale Levels - Get Rid of It
Irregardless of philosophy, "what should be", or greed the mechanics are the same. There are many levels of getting rid of your timeshare. Test eac... Read More »
Business3 Spam?
mark g.
161072 xyz
timeshare scam companies
Anyone deal with Vacation Asset Group out of Las Vegas? Trying to sell a timeshare.
Scams1 Spam?
ernesto c.
160110 xyz
Is transfer america a trust worthy company?
Transfer America, is this a trust worthy company? I just paid them to help me get rid of my timeshare.
Business2 Spam?
Krista I.
158544 xyz
Any updates on Holidays & Resorts in Lawrenceville, GA
Has anyone actually sold a timeshare with Holidays & Resorts out of Lawrenceville, GA?
Business2 Spam?
cassandra j.
155637 xyz
Vacation time share presentation scam
Has anyone experienced attending a vacation time share presentation that promised you an hawaii vacation in exchange for your time, but there's nev... Read More »
Business1 Spam?
Donna Z.
133792 xyz
Holidays & Resorts, scam or not?
Has anyone dealt with Holidays & Resorts of Lawrenceville, GA.? They called to say that they have a buyer for my timeshare. Gave a price and asked... Read More »
Scams8 Spam?
Dave W.
150333 xyz
Transfer on the Spot
Has anyone used Transfer on the Spot to get out of your timeshare?
Travel1 Spam?
Phyllis N.
146342 xyz
How to sell my timeshare
Could use some help in how to go about selling my timeshare. I heard of a company called Transfer America. Anyone know anything about this company?
Travel2 Spam?
ralph c.
145223 xyz
time share relief?
Is there any honest time share relief companies that will not charge an arm and leg to get rid of a timeshare
Business3 Spam?
George P.
140087 xyz
Want to Know if Transfer America is Honest and ligitament.
How do we know that Transfer America is ligitiment when they have only been on the BBB site a short time? How do we know that the customer reviews... Read More »
Scams2 Spam?
Timothy S.
139748 xyz
Timeshare title transfers
Has anyone used a company by the name of Transfer Smart? This is a company that specializes in getting owners out of their Timeshares.
Business4 Spam?
gayle m.
139692 xyz
How do you come to a price qoute on a Timeshare? What about time already paid for?
Why do we have to PAY YOU to take our Timeshare? We went to another type of business similar to yours, they pitched us a pay quote. At the end they... Read More »
Business1 Spam?
Marsha V.
137228 xyz
I have been contacted by RCI Now to sell my timeshare. I have already been ripped off for over $1300.00 by two other companies wanting to sell my t... Read More »
Business1 Spam?
robert t.
136989 xyz
Timeshare agent
Instant Results Financial in LA-Scam ?
Travel3 Spam?
Deb M.
133383 xyz
Is 'The Timeshare Agents' company just another scam?
Has anyone heard of or worked with a timeshare company called 'The Timeshare Agents'. Here is their info: 8391 Bever... Read More »
Travel2 Spam?
Joan W.
136395 xyz
legitimate company
Want to be sure Transfer America is a legitimate company from California.
Business6 Spam?
naomi l.
132150 xyz
Is timeshares by owner a scam
Has anyone dealt with timeshares by owner in orlando, Florida. Hoping it's not just anything selling timeshare company that scams people.
Scams1 Spam?(1)
g g.
131004 xyz
Time share transfer with Interval Relief of Miami? Costs?
Interval Relief of Miami? Costs?
Business1 Spam?
John V.
128849 xyz
Is business real
Is the business Timeshare Vacation Realty a real business and what do they do.
Business1 Spam?
margaret m.
125156 xyz
I want my money back as promised in my contract
I gave TS luxury group 1100 to sell two time shares and gave them 4 months my 4 months is expired and I can't seem to get hold of them big surprise... Read More »
Scams1 Spam?
Dale T.
125042 xyz
Is Transfer America for real ?
I'm going through a lot of heartache concerning a timeshare. I was hoping that Transfer America could help take it out of my hands. Is there anybod... Read More »
Business1 Spam?
Marie P.
124886 xyz
get rid of timeshare
Anyone out there know how to get rid of a timeshare, really get rid of it
Services10 Spam?
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