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scammed by hillside mortgage herman padillia and geno padilla
11/3/2010 11:32 AM (PST)
Hillside Mortgage, friends of the heart. I understand I am not the only person scammed by this company. Herman Padillia and his son Geno run this scam and need to be stopped. Anyone with contact numbers or addresses, or would like to join me in finding these scammers, contact me at:
If we join together, we can fight back.
Bill Hendrix
11/4/2010 7:50 AM (PST)
Aside from filing a complaint with the BBB, you should also notify the CA Attorney General and the Federal Trade Commission.
http://www.ag.ca.gov http://www.ftc.gov
The more people that bring this company to their attention, the more likely they will be to take substantive action.
You can click the links above fore the BBB Report and Reviews, feel free to write a review about your experience with them!
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