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Abraham S.
199195 xyz
doing inquiry
Has anybody used Vic's Restoration and Construction. Looking for some references.
Business0 Spam?
Curtis R.
193096 xyz
Foundation to Roof, Inc. Feedback
Has anyone used Foundation To Roof , Inc. to remove ceiling popcorn and do interior painting? What rooms in your house were done and what kind of j... Read More »
Business1 Spam?
Robert V.
188846 xyz
Vista Home Improvements??
Can Vista Home Improvements be trusted to do a quality bathroom remodel?
Business0 Spam?
Delton H.
163200 xyz
What do you think about "Sky Is The Limit Contruction Inc.?"
Has anyone used "Sky Is The Limit Construction," which is located in Woodland Hills for exterior residential work? If so, I would be interested abo... Read More »
Business0 Spam?
155647 xyz
Have others had legal wranglings with this guy?
I am having legal problems with Get It Done Services of San Jose. I have come to distrust the business owner and don't want to go forward with an a... Read More »
Business1 Spam?
John M.
136028 xyz
Pacific Home Remodeling solar installations
Does anyone out there have experience with Pacific Home Remodeling solar installations in San Diego or even LA?
Business3 Spam?
George T.
128802 xyz
Information regarding "Pacific Coast Home Solutions."
Regarding Pacific Coast Home solutions, also known as "Exterior Specialist: Please advise of any negative or satisfactory reports concerning cus... Read More »
Business3 Spam?
Karen W.
121933 xyz
clean-up following wildfires
Storm 24 - anyone have any experience with them in cleanup or restoration following the wild fires??? We have a lot of soot and ash and we still ge... Read More »
Business2 Spam?
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